Sunday, September 25, 2011

Facebook Pages: The New Resumé

When in your last year of University it's normal to start sweating a little when you think that in one year you will no longer be safely sitting in a classroom listening listlessly to your teacher as you sip your coffee. In one year, you are expected to have a job and be living on your own. Essentially, you will be all grown up. Should this be such a daunting prospect? 

Fear not students, social media to the rescue! Our task this week in ALES 204, was to create a business profile on Facebook. Initially, this was rather worrisome as anybody would be able to visit this page if they were so inclined. Worries aside, I tackled the task seriously. I thought to myself, I am in my last year at the University after all, why not show people what I am all about now. Considering that I eventually want to work for a magazine, social media is the perfect way to get people's attention in that industry. If this ALES class is teaching me anything, it's certainly showing me a way to use social media in an academic and professional manner. Social media will allow me to demonstrate to potential employers that I am a serious, passionate and hard working student that would be a great asset for their company.  

Below, you can view a preview photo of my Facebook business profile. To view the full profile just click on the image. Feel free to like my page and leave a comment. 

While reading a few blogs created by other students in my ALES 204 class, I noticed there was one common theme: most students would be embarrassed by the content on their regular Facebook profiles if an employer were to see it. Maureen for example wrote that she has a lot of unprofessional photos of drunken evenings with friends on her profile. While her business profile might be able to save her from losing a job, nothing stops people from knowing friends of friends of friends of… you get the point. I think that no matter what, if people chose to have an online presence, they should try to avoid having any compromising photos of themselves on any website, even "private" Facebook profiles. 

Ps. Have you seen my new Flickr Gadget on my profile? You can click on it to view my Flickr Photostream.


  1. Hey Julianna! GREAT JOB on your facebook profile business resume! it looks absolutely fantastic. At the beginning of this assingment I was also worrisome, I wasn't too sure about the whole idea, but like yourself I warmed up to the idea. This is an excellent way for you to show off you works! Planning to work for a magazine and all, social media is a great start :)
    Keep up the awesome work!
    Dana Zalys

  2. Thank you for all the positive feedback Dana!

  3. Julianna, I agree with you 100%. Along with the rest of the class I was worried to make Facebook a mix of personal and professional. I do have photo's of late, intoxicated nights or ones with my boyfriend and I that potential employers do not have to see yet I enjoy sharing with friends. ALES made it so I could use such a popular social media site for both fun and friends while having a separate professionally acceptable profile.
    Your blog looks great! Thanks for the idea's on your vlog!
