Hi everyone, my name is Julianna Damer and
here's what I look like. I'm currently in my 4th year at the University of Alberta and am studying Human Ecology. My major is in Textiles & Clothing and my minor is in Design & Product Development.
My minor might be in Design but my real passion lies in communications. I've had a Tumblr blog for over a year now and it has allowed me to meet so many other great Edmontonians who are passionate about making Edmonton a more fashionable place. (Some of them even have my blog linked on theirs!) Check out my blog
here. I've shared photos of fashion events, personal travels, photo shoots, school projects and much more. I am certain that my blog will serve me when applying for jobs in the future as it is basically a portfolio.
Communication plays a huge role in the fashion world. I wouldn't be able to count with my fingers and toes the number of articles out there, these days, that state that the most influential people at fashion shows and simply in the fashion world at large are actually bloggers. Sorry Anna Wintour… But seriously, social media gives you the opportunity to create a network of followers and hopefully can help you to catch the eye of industry big wigs. To give an example, as I was looking through tweets one day I noticed a Flare Magazine Tweet informing people that they now had a Tumblr account and that they wanted people to send their Tumblr blog links to them. Was this going to be my claim to fame? Not quite, but I replied to their tweet with my blog URL and next thing you know, I was getting a reply from them thanking me for my link and letting me know that they loved the street style photos I had shot while in Paris. How cool is that?! That just goes to show how easy it is to communicate with people that you would never have dreamt of talking to before social media ever existed.
I'm very thankful for this class. I may know quite a lot about social media but I think that there's always something new to learn from others and I can't wait to further my knowledge and become an even better blogger and Tweet-er!
I can't wait to share my journey with you this semester, be it with ALES 204 or other classes. In fact, here's a photo of me in my first HECOL 354 course (Apparel Design and Product Development I) this week. You can see me drafting a pattern for a skirt! My friend
Brittany Gora took the photo.
I think you're underestimating the power of social media. A lot of people out there are being recognized due to their social media presence. If you catch the right person's eye you can be surprised at how influential it is.